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Environment Activity

Environmental philosophy

We operate an environmental management system and actively promotes environmental activities based on the concept of "conducting people and environment-friendly corporate activities with sincerity, creativity and enthusiasm".

Environmental policy

1.Reduction of environmental load and improvement of performance by operating and continuously improving the environmental management system

2.Compliance with relevant laws, ordinances, agreements and other requirements that we agree to

3.Initiatives for environmental protection activities

  ①Pollution prevention

  ②Providing products that take environmental protection into consideration

  ③Reduction of energy demand

  ④Reduction of resource usage

  ⑤Waste reduction

  ⑥Control of hazardous chemicals and Suppression of their us

4.Requesting customers and traders to understand and cooperate with our environmental policy

5.Disclosure of environmental policy and environmental information in response to requests from stakeholders

Certification of ISO14001 Environmental Management System



ISO 14001
Obtained in April, 2000